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CG | BCMR | Advancement and Promotion | 2000-157
Original file (2000-157.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied


Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No. 2000-157 




ANDREWS, Attorney-Advisor: 
This  proceeding  was  conducted  under  the  provisions  of  section  1552  of 
title 10 and section 425 of title 14 of the United States Code.  The BCMR docketed 
this case on July 7, 2000, upon receipt of the applicant’s completed application. 
ed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case. 

This final decision, dated May 3, 2001, is signed by the three duly appoint-


The applicant, a seaman (SN; pay grade E-3) serving on active duty in the 
Coast Guard, asked the Board to correct his record to show that he was advanced 
from seaman apprentice to seaman on the day his command recommended his 
advancement, March 6, 2000, instead of May 26, 2000.  He alleged that the latter 
date of advancement was the result of an administrative error and that he lost 
pay and allowances as a result of the error.  
In support of his allegations, the applicant submitted copies of documents 
proving that he had completed the required steps for advancement to SN before 
March 2000.  He also submitted a copy of a document showing that on March 6, 
2000, his command approved his request for advancement and certified that he 
had completed all necessary tests and “practical factors” to qualify. 


On  November  22,  2000,  the  Chief  Counsel  of  the  Coast  Guard  recom-
mended that the Board grant the applicant’s request for the reasons provided in 

a memorandum on the case prepared by the Coast Guard Personnel Command 
(CGPC) on October 31, 2000.   

In  the  memorandum,  CGPC  stated  that  the  applicant’s  supervisor  had 
provided  a  statement  indicating  that  he  had  personally  carried  the  applicant’s 
approved  advancement  “chit”  to  the  unit’s  PERSRU  (personnel  reporting  unit) 
for input on March 6, 2000, but that for unknown reasons, the chit was not proc-
essed  by  the  PERSRU  until  June  26,  2000.    CGPC  stated  that  under  Article 
5.C.28.c.  of  the  Personnel  Manual,  the  PERSRU  could  not  backdate  the  appli-
cant’s advancement by more than one month, so his date of advancement could 
only  be  backdated  to  May  26,  2000,  by  the  PERSRU.    However,  under  Article 
5.C.28.a.1.,  advancement  to  pay  grade  E-3  is  normally  effective  as  of  the  “date 
subsequent to the completion of the applicable requirements.”  Therefore, CGPC 
recommended  that  the  Board  grant  relief  by  correcting  the  applicant’s  date  of 
advancement to March 6, 2000, and by ordering payment of any pay and allow-
ances the applicant may have lost as a result of the error. 


On November 28, 2000, the BCMR sent the applicant a copy of the Chief 
Counsel’s  advisory  opinion  and  invited  him  to  respond  within  15  days.    On 
December 19, 2000, the applicant responded, stating that he had no objections to 
the Chief Counsel’s recommendation. 


The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of 
the applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions, 
and applicable law: 


The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to sec-

tion 1552 of title 10 of the United States Code.  The application was timely. 


The applicant has proved by a preponderance of the evidence that 
he met the requirements for advancement to seaman, pay grade E-3, by March 6, 
2000, and was recommended for advancement by his chain of command on that 
day.  He has also proved that an administrative delay on the part of the Coast 
Guard caused his date of advancement to be recorded as May 26, 2000.  But for 
that delay, he would have been advanced when his command first recommend-
ed it.  See Personnel Manual, Article 5.C.28.a.1.  
record to show that he was advanced to pay grade E-3 on March 6, 2000.  

Accordingly, relief should be granted by correcting the applicant’s 





















Robert H. Joost 

The application of XXXXXXXX, USCG, for correction of his military record 
is  granted.    His  record  shall  be  corrected  to  show  that  he  was  advanced  to 
seaman, pay grade E-3, on March 6, 2000.  The Coast Guard shall pay him any 
back pay and allowances he is due as a result of this correction. 

Jacqueline L. Sullivan 


Betsy L. Wolf 






















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